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End of The Ottoman Empire

The revolts and the stagnation period during the Ottoman reign led to the end of the long-lasting Ottoman rule. During the stagnation period, there was economic and political unrest. The expansion of the Ottomans into Europe was restricted by the Battle of Vienna in 1683.

A key reason for the decline of the Ottoman rule was the death of Suleiman. After he died, the Empire suffered because of increasing corruption. The Ottomans struggled to keep a control over the vast Empire. The Ottoman army was unable to expand the territory of the Empire, which affected their economy. Another internal problem before the Ottomans was that the Janissaries had started demanding more pay. They began to accumulate wealth and power. In 1826, they were disbanded by Mahmud II.

The Ottomans had a monopoly on trade with the East. The Europeans were forced to search for new sea routes to reach Asia. The Portuguese had discovered new spice route around Africa to India. The Spanish Empire brought large quantities of gold and silver to Europe, resulting in inflation and other economic troubles in the Empire. The Industrial Revolution brought changes in technology which was used by counties like England to fight wars. The Ottomans did not have a social structure like England.

In the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, Turkey was defeated by Spanish and Venetians troops. The Russo-Turkish wars during the 18th century deepened the problems and by 19th century, Turkey was termed as the Sick Man of Europe. The Arab revolt played a major role in the decline of the Empire. Turkey was divided into independent states after the victory of Turkish Nationalists led by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk after World War I.

This site covers all areas Ottoman Empire History Facts. Besides the popular Ottoman topics like rise and fall, leaders, society, economy, Inventions, Religion, it also covers several other areas like comparison with other empires.

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